How Do You Build Client Trust?
06/08/2016 19:56In today’s environment, many organizations find this to be a challenge. In an organization trust must start with senior management continuing through all staffing levels. It continues with vendors and contract resources onsite. Contributing factors to building trust include image, accountability and reputation.
Organizational Image
The image you portray is how your client sees you. Remind your staff image is not confined to outward appearance. Image includes correspondence, products and services. Yes, this includes organizational resources using social media.
The organization portrays accountability in product capability and service level commitment. These are important areas for client trust. Each area of the organization understands the product capability from ground zero to service level execution. As stakeholders they hold each other accountable.
Marketplace Reputation
In the marketplace, the organization will have a reputation. It may be based on price, service, quality and/or other attributes. Often your competitors help in setting expectations in the marketplace with advertising and social media. Current and prospective clients set their own expectations based on what they see, hear and experience.
Organizations use their resources to build trust in the marketplace. The key attributes to build trust with current and prospective clients is through your image, accountability and reputation.